Menü |
Here follows a list of all homes:
Pavement (Social Contact Level 1) |
You catch all times to the middle of the sidewalk. It is cold, unsafe and loud. |
DEF: + 1 |
1 € |
Park (Contact Social Level 2) |
Soft meadows, fresh air and birdsong. A good alternative to the crowded and filthy pavement. |
DEF: + 4 |
10 € |
Park Bank (Social Contact Level 3) |
In the jargon Penner also called middle-class hotel. A somewhat uneasy bed, but the beautiful nature around you. |
DEF: + 8 |
50 € |
Pennerbox (Sozialkontaktstufe 4) Pennerbox (social contact level 4) |
The well-known company offers new Schluckspecht But Pennerbox for the underclass to Penner. |
DEF: + 17 |
100 € |
Fountain (social contact level 5) |
The old fountain in the park is a tourist attraction, but he comes to you as a home owner in question, because he is at least five meters deep and thus gives you warmth and safety. |
DEF: + 21 |
150 € |
Bridge (social contact Level 6) |
Since each Penner times by or anything. At least you are now protected from prying eyes. |
DEF: + 24 |
240 € |
Katakomben (Sozialkontaktstufe 7) Catacombs (social contact level 7) |
In the underground life of Hamburg many extraordinary figures and mutants. Here you feel a good time, it is also nice and warm. |
DEF: +28 |
350 € |
Elbstrand (social contact Level 8, District Ottensen) |
As a genuine hamburgers do you love the water. How nice that the same Elbstrand nearby is. |
DEF: +31 |
410 € |
Treehouse (Social Contact Level 9) |
As Penner high you rise to branch in the truest sense of the word, the career ladder to the top. |
DEF: +34 |
580 € |
Tent (Social contacting stage 10) |
The first step you have done! A large, indoor home, you can now your own
call. From now on you trot to the upper Mittelschichtspennern. |
DEF: +42 |
750 € |
Wolf pack (Social contacting stage 11) |
Mogli Not only did the company of wolves to appreciate. They warm, protect and
maintain you. Previously, you should but tame. |
DEF: +51 |
1,000 €
Caravan (Social contacting stage 12) |
You are always better, congratulations! Which Penner can already say that he is a Caravans have? The first time in your life do you feel safe. |
DEF: +58 |
1,300 €

Boat (social contact stage 13, District: New Field) |
The old boat at the port is still soulless around. Snap it and you just laugh the other from landlubbers. |
DEF: +67 |
1,600 € |
Grave chamber (Social contacting stage 14, District: Allermöhe) |
At the cemetery is an old grave chamber. The cemetery gardeners would like to sell you. He can not guarantee to accept is that you're completely alone. |
DEF: +73 |
2,000 €
Garage (social contact stage 15) |
Not only for cars a possibility after a Vollrausch time off. Unfortunately, the Exhaust is not very healthy, but that you get with anyway. |
DEF: +82 |
2,400 € |

Kakao-Fabrik (Sozialkontaktstufe 16, Stadtteil: Stellingen) Cocoa Factory (Social contacting stage 16, District: Stellingen) |
Als Kenner des Industriegebiets bist du natürlich bestens vertraut mit den umliegenden Fabriken. As a connoisseur of the industrial area, you are obviously very familiar with the surrounding factories.
Die Kakao Fabrik sticht dir sofort ins Auge. The cocoa factory stings you immediately apparent. |
DEF: +89 |
2,600 € |
Crane (Social Contact Level 17) |
Also at the bottom can be high up in life. The little cabin is close to in addition to Case, when the beautiful view and security into account. |
DEF: +102 |
3,100 € |
Lighthouse (social contact stage 18, District: Neuland) |
Finally, your first real building! Although the nerves forever rotating headlights, but at least you have it nice and warm. |
DEF: +125 |
4,200 € |
Old Church (Social Contact Level 19) |
God that you have let down, we both know. Maybe yes, he expresses an eye on if you live with him. |
DEF: +147 |
5,600 € |
Castle (Social contacting stage 20) |
Only a Wunderling how you attract these days in these old Gemäuer On. But this castle offers you fantastic protection. |
DEF: +158 |
47,000 € |
Observatory (Social Contact Level 21) |
The space you have always been interested in complete freedom and isolation. Perhaps you also explored new worlds, and only increases your options. |
DEF: +175 |
224,000 €
Castle (Social contacting stage 22) |
Congratulations! Now you´re a castle owner, your dream is fulfilled. |
DEF: +200 |
590,000 €
A total of 39806 Besucher were already here.
© 2009 René Franze