Menü |
Here is an overview of all the defensive weapons:
Handful of sand |
Even as a toddler, you have other children with sand beworfen them for a short time the eyes light taken. |
+1 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Handful of salt |
Even you know that salt in the eyes burns. An effective tool for the quick flight in between. |
+2 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Itching powder verschleudern |
Not only lice irritate the skin. From the hip can be a powerful itching powder produced, which paralyzes your opponent. |
+3 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Sisukord up |
With a guide you can confuse opponents attacked funny. Many are pure stunt like this. |
+16 Skill at fighting | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
With Mirror hide |
With a mirror that can reflect sunlight very well. Your opponent has no chance to escape. |
+4 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Preis abhängig von Verteidigungs/Geschicklichkeits Stufe. Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Feign death |
You've often durchgezechten after a night on the pavement have been located and were declared dead. Use this experience for anything useful. |
+30 Skill at fighting | Duration: 6 hours |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Banana peel distribute |
As every child knows, you slip on a banana peel out. Your opponent is powerless for a short time. |
+2 DEF | Duration: max. 6 hours |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Tarnen |
Nobody, but nobody, will you with this ingenious and clever disguise recognize. |
+20 Skill at fighting | Duration: max. 3 hours |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Mousetrap |
Who can be a bundle of bills already resist? Once your opponent removes the money, the case snap and put him hors de combat. |
+5 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Throw with bad cats |
These dangerous dogs are very bad mood. They cling to their sacrifice and confuse it until it is exhausted to the ground. The first "pig in a poke" investment that pays. |
+3 DEF | Duration: max. 10 minutes |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Paste smear |
Once you have your opponent with this special paste einschmierst, he will no longer be able to stir. |
+5 DEF | Duration: max. 1 hour 30 minutes |
Preis abhängig von Verteidigungs/Geschicklichkeits Stufe. Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Fishing net margins |
Much more effective than your paste, because your opponent is not alone in this desperate situation may be exempt. |
+7 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Preis abhängig von Verteidigungs/Geschicklichkeits Stufe. Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Poisoned beer stand |
You've often tried to brew beer themselves, and many bad experiences are collected. Your brew is your opponent suffer severe abdominal cramps leave. |
+5 DEF | Duration: max. 5 minutes |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Stacheldraht up |
+9 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Electric fence up |
+6 | Duration: max. 30 minutes |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Moat |
Long have you dreaming of castles and fortresses, but did you know much appropriated. Above all, the ditches that are supposed to protect itself against attackers may have taken it to you. |
+10 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Pitfalls dig |
Even as a young bum you your playmates in the sand box traps designed to give them the money off. Auch heute noch eine sinnvolle Taktik. Even today, a sensible tactic. |
+11 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Schlingfalle with beer-bait |
+12 DEF | Duration: until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Fire basket |
+7 DEF | Duration: max. 2 hours |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Bärenfalle distribute |
A large stone as a defense to use sounds in the first moment daft, but behind this stone is an excellent camouflage and his opponents by standing around can be exhausted. |
+14 DEF | Duration: Until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Findling |
Eine huge Stone to use, sounds in the first moment of moronic, behind this stone, you can tarn you camouflaged by his opponents standing around can be exhausting. |
+16 DEF | Duration: Until the next attack |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
Even firing installations |
Since you are the first time in a brewery caved're, you know how painful and unpredictable systems are self shot. So why not turn the tables? Your friend will probably still Hussmann has something in his basement. |
+10 DEF | Duration: max. 60 minutes |
Price depends on defense / skill level. |
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© 2009 René Franze