Menü |
Here is an overview of all assault weapons:
Toothpicks (Attack 1) |
During your last visit to the snack you have a box of toothpicks seen. A toothpick would certainly help in the fight. |
ATK: +1 |
2 € |
Broken Bottle (Attack 4) |
You know from personal experience how sharp and dangerous a broken bottle can be. Use this experience in the fight. |
ATK: +3 |
5 € |
Water Bombs ( Attack 8 ) |
Balloons filled with water, a stroke of genius! Your opponent will be cold, wet when he must go to bed. |
ATK: +6 |
15 € |
Silvester Knaller (Attack 12) |
You have some New Year's Eve Knaller found from the previous year. Those things can really be dangerous. |
ATK: +9 |
20 € |
Spray (Attack 16) |
Already many of you were Halbstarken with paint angesprüht when you have once again tried to play moral. Only after a week you could see again, but the color was only 2 years later from your face disappeared. Use this valuable experience to your opponents off. |
ATK: +12 |
30 € |
Belt (Attack 20) |
Even your father has tried to teach you consultation. Let that anger out on your opponent. |
ATK: +15 |
50 € |
Rubber stick (Attack 24) |
The police often have you already proved how hard and painful it is a rubber truncheon. |
ATK: +18 |
55 € |
Gulli cover (Attack 28) |
As a protective shield for the melee and very useful. That does not stop you. |
ATK: +21 |
60 € |
Chain lock (Attack 32) |
The counterpart to the stronger belt. With the chain much more you can do damage. |
ATK: +25 |
75 € |
Brass knuckles (Attack 36) |
A fist is good, a fist with brass knuckles is better. Pretty surprising what a piece of Metal can cause everything. |
ATK: +28 |
80 € |
Heating Tube (Attack 40) |
A somewhat unwieldy baton but of harder material. |
ATK: +31 |
120 € |
Hammer (Attack 44) |
A very effective weapon with a sharp and a dull side. |
ATK: +34 |
180 € |
Pepper spray (Attack 48) |
Hurts in the eyes and can irritate the respiratory tract. Your opponent is just done. |
ATK: +37 |
200 € |
Guns (Attack 52) |
Several thousand volts to the body are certainly not pleasant, but as a weapon is certainly well suited. |
ATK: +41 ATK: +41 |
250 € |
Fire extinguishers (Attack 54) |
ATK: +44 |
300 € |
Sword (Attack 60) |
An ancient weapon that you can respond in the museum did. A little dull, but otherwise well preserved. |
ATK: +47 |
350 € |
Old Ratchet (Attack 64) |
The second visit to the museum leads you into the pirate exhibition but this gun looks tempting from. |
ATK: +50 ATK: +50 |
500 € |
Pistol (Attack 68) |
Leider musst du dafür tief in die Tasche greifen. Unfortunately you have this deep into the pockets. |
ATK: +54 |
€ 1,000 |
Machine gun (Attack 72) |
Dein alter Kollege Hussmann aus der Bundeswehr bietet dir ein einmaliges Angebot an. Hussmann Your old colleague from the Army gives you a unique offer. |
ATK: +58 |
€ 5,000 |
Shotgun (Attack 76) |
By refreshing your old friends are you thick established in the arms business.The shotgun has an incredible Power. |
ATK: +62 |
7,500 € |
Cannon (Attack 80) |
The old cannon in Schlossgarten has always fascinated you.
Do you have the necessary funds to finally buy? |
ATK: +66 |
€ 15,000 |
War machine (Attack 85) |
Now you can really give gas, Hussmann is straight out of the crisis area and what have you to offer incredible. |
ATK: +70 |
€ 25,000 |
Atomic bomb (Attack 90) |
It was clear that you are from a mosquito equal need to make an elephant, and the whole world under your little disputes suffers. The good old Hussmann, of course, how should it be otherwise, such a thing in the basement stay. |
ATT +75 |
€ 100,000 |
Black Hole (Attack 100) |
As you've managed to obtain a black hole or artificially, you do not know, it is also important because once you hit this "weapon" to have released the man, every form of life in this solar system to be eradicated. Congratulations. |
ATT +80 |
€ 500,000 |
A total of 39803 Besucher were already here.
© 2009 René Franze