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Volume War
Here I give you a little help in Theam "band war".
1. When should we go to war?
If all of the gang are in agreement and everything has been clarified.
IYou should have your points for a reasonably good pet care.
Volume house and armory is a good tool for a war.
2. Volume election
Find a band from approximately as strong as your istoder a little weaker
3. Strategy
It is best if it is in your Forum opened a thread
their opponents by name, won or lost link to the opponents,
your ATT + DEF values, etc. angebt.
Example, as happened with us in the gang is posted:
18:50 "Penner Name" € 3987.34 +980
ATT: 140
DEF: 213
Points: 13845
This can then orient your band members,
if they are just the same as ATT + DEF values.
You can also attack the enemy or it can remain,
if it is too much for ATT + DEF has ..
Try it! It helps!
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© 2009 René Franze