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Here you will learn as a "novice" all the important things
and the Basic for Penner Game.
If you have these 10 steps,
you no longer stands in the way.
The images will help you a bit.
1. Step:
The first thing you should look at the link "actions" go.
Here you can select it in the area "to collect returnable bottles"
"10 minutes to collect" and click on "go to collect."
Your bum is now for the next 10 min. Collecting sent to.
You can also select other times, but the longer you go,
the fewer bottles you get in proportion.
In short, you get a day more returnable bottles,
if you often walk 10 minutes to collect instead of 12 hours.
The remaining time is up in the status bar.
When the time is up, send him straight back off.
2. Step:
Next When are you going to continue making "and helping you further.
The first thing you should know the times "ATT" & "DEF" braining.
The first two training courses of the two are free.
The first courses are usually after a minute.
You kanst only one training in the queue have.
3. Step:

Now you should have a few of your "bottles" sell
You can then hingelangen inventory at or above in the "Status".
Now you can choose how you want to sell,
now only have to "sell" button and you get money,
depending on how many you sell and how high the price is returnable bottles.
4. Step:
Next As we start the next "training", and that is the most important
throughout the game - "social contacts". This training turns new "pets" and "private" free.
Now you start the second education - "education level". With this training,
new "Schnorr places available. But, please remember that you will not
training "ATT" and "DEF" could unlock.
5. Step:
Now you buy a pet. Take the hamster for 3.80 €.
The pet has 5 "ATT", 4 "DEF" and 12 "heart".
The core values of your pet will be your overall
"ATT" and "DEF" values credited.
Later you can have him a name.
Now you look after Schnorr times and places you buy
same time the latest, in order to get more money,
if someone donates you.
6. Step:

Now comes another free "training" - "skill"
Now you should continue to make social contacts, but you'll see,
That this does not work. Just click on "social contacts"
and you will see what you have for training is lacking.
Bilde first thing the lack of social contacts to continue to build.
7. Step:
8. Step:
Now you put your first "home" to.
This vertärkt deinen
"DEF" value to the specified value.
The better the home, the more protection it offers you.
Your first weapon you need too.
So starting in the "arms store."
The weapon now reinforces your "ATT" value to
dthe specified value.
New weapons are covered by the training
"Attack" available.
9. Step:
Since you already have received donations, all you need now
necessarily the "big bag", so you have more money
when you can have. The bag you can put in
the "city" under "Accessories" buy.
If you do not buy, you can
only 20 euros with you bear
if you can get more money, it is
out and you lose it.
So you buy the "big bag."
10. Step:
Now you should be in some settings in your profile.
Here you can enter your name
and other important matters.
Here are the most important:
You should look at whether you
Awards show your want.
You should get your "signature picture off / disable
so that nobody can see your status.
Your new pet, you should also disable
that no one can see how good you are.
You know now the Gundkentnisse and now it is up to you a lock to become owners.
All the other things you'll find here and learn the game they know.
A total of 39799 Besucher were already here.
© 2009 René Franze